Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Practicing: 2/2/11

Today's main focus is Solo and Ensemble (as opposed to Band Music) because that's coming up and I could use a lot of work. So in this case, my esteemed parter and I are playing the Second Praeludium & Fuga (in C minor) by J.S. Bach.

For the most part, the song individually is not so difficult, aside from the tempo and key. I tend to think that it is in E major, which is why the accidentals tend to throw me for a run. In particular I'm working on the tonging work work, as the piece consists almost entirely of sixteenth notes, which means it is very important to articulate. Resultantly, to stop this rather uniform piece (aside from some dynamic shifts) from sounding too muddy, It's overall more important to work few things that are different within the piece then to get stuck up on small portions.

On a side note, because music ought to be fun overall, I decided to take a look at the Jazz Band piece, Chameleon, which has two issues: the rhythms and the range. Being in a moderate funk tempo, I'm not really sure what to expect... and the irregular rhythms of anything vaguely jazzy tend to confuse me until i slowly go over them.

FOCUS: Measures 11-34, 53-69.

Overall, I think the range can be taken care of, but the rhythms will require more effort on my own part.

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