Thursday, March 31, 2011

Practice: 3/4/11

(Insert Clever/Distracting Picture here)


Well, break was last week, so I'm assuming I didn't have to post a blog for that.

Anyways, with that off chance that I might go to band festival, I figure that I might as well continue from where I last left off. Scales, Scales and Scales. That and working on ~137 on Prairies Songs. There's a lot going on there.

So, that particular section has a few issues: Rhythm, phrasing.... intonation... everything. But before I worry about that stuff specifically, I have to worry about actually being able to play the darn thing. Which as of today (by working through it slowly... very.... slowly) I have effectively completely accomplished. That's good... good....

NOW, it is time to worry about all the musical parts (i.e. the important parts), I think I'll start with phrasing because you need an idea of where you're going first. If I'm not mistaken, everything in my part is to build to measure 137, were the main motif likes to rear its head and shine through (well~kinda).

As for the March... his honor demands dynamics. everything else is set. Same thing with Chant Rituals. Dynamics are key... that and style.

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